Time out

Falkenhaus Castle is a feel-good place – a retreat in the heart of nature that is perfectly suited for a relaxing time out from a fast-paced everyday life

Here you can find peace and breathe deeply, stop the mental chatter, reflect and recharge your batteries. And then you can get off to a fresh start invigorated and with fresh impulses.

It is a matter close to our hearts to be able to offer you a familiar feel-good atmosphere and a safe space. For this reason, only the seminar participants and the Falkenhaus team stay on the castle grounds during the seminars.

The thematic focus of the retreats at Falkenhaus Castle is on mental relaxation and reorientation. Various methods such as yoga, meditation and the work with horses help to calm and regenerate the overloaded nervous system.

Let yourself be inspired by our diverse range of seminars with experienced coaches and we promise you

A time out at Falkenhaus Castle is like a short holiday for your mind and soul!

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